It is only the duplicate that does not work. You also missed the point that the original USB startup key works. Unfortunately, you have assumed that I have not selected 'show hidden files and folders'. It is really too bad that they treat their customers so poorly. Since the duplicate startup key is a Bitlocker feature, Microsoft should make it work or remove it from Vista.
I spent many hours on the telephone speaking to Microsoft Technical Support. I attempted to make duplicates using five different USB drives from four different manufactures. The problem is not with the BIOS because the original startup key works. The proof of this is that the startup key does not work. However the startup key itself does not appear to be saved to the USB drive, only the file name. I can see a file name on the USB drive for the startup key when I set folder view to reveal hidden OS files. When I attempt to do so, Bitlocker seems to save the startup key to the USB dirve.
My problem is that I have not been able to make a duplicate startup key. I have got Bitlocker working on my nonTPM computer and saved the startup key to a USB flash drive.