At present, there has been no DLC announced for this version. DLC/Season Pass: The DLC and Season Pass that has been announced for the console versions is not compatible with the Vita version.This game has no online or ad-hoc trophies. Special Notes: This game is Vita only and does not share a trophy list with the PS3/PS4 version, it is currently available on both retail card and digitally on the PSN Store.Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No, Red Bricks can (and should) be used once earned without impacting the trophies.Do trophies stack?: There are no known regional stacks for this game.Does difficulty affect trophies?: There are no difficulty select options.Glitched trophies: A few trophies have been reported to be glitchy, most notably Bow Selecta, Team Player and Challenge Accepted - read below for suggested workarounds.Number of missable trophies: There are no missable trophies.Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Story Play + 1 Free Play of each of the 15 Levels, plus Hub Missions and Collectables.